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**Please contact me for a copy of any manuscript



  • 13 manuscripts published or accepted as a primary author

  • 7 manuscripts published or accepted as a secondary author

  • 482 citations, h-index = 12 (Google Scholar)


20. T. A. Bernos+, M. C. Yates+, R. Young, A. Imrit, K. Patel, E. Myler, S. Sharma, M. F. Docker, A. Fitzgerald, R. Hanner, D. Heath, J. Livernois, N. E. Mandrak. 2022. Environmental DNA (eDNA) applications in freshwater fisheries management and conservation in Canada: overview of current challenges and opportunities. Accepted pending minor revisions (CJFAS)

+Both authors contributed equally


19. Yates, M. C., T. Wilcox, M. Stoeckle, D. Heath. 2022. Interspecific allometric scaling in eDNA production in fishes reflects physiological and surface area allometry. Accepted (Environmental DNA)


18. M. Gaudet-Boulay*, E. García-Machado, M. Laporte, M. C. Yates, B. Bougas, C. Hernandez, G. Côté, A. Gilbert, L. Bernatchez. 2022. Relationship between brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) eDNA concentration and angling data in structured wildlife areas. Environmental DNA (early view):


17. Yates, M. C., M. E. Cristescu, and A. M. Derry. 2021. Integrating physiology and environmental dynamics to operationalize environmental DNA (eDNA) as a means to monitor freshwater macro-organism abundance. Molecular Ecology (Early View):


16. Yates, M. C., A.M. Derry, M. E. Cristescu. 2021. Environmental RNA: A revolution in Ecological Resolution? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 36: 601-609

15. Yates, M.C. and D.J. Fraser. 2021. Evaluating the effect of genome-wide diversity on the release of plasticity in experimental translocations to novel natural environments. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 34: 439-450

14. Yates, M.C., T. Wilcox, K.S. McKelvey, M.K. Young, M.K. Schwartz, M.K. , and A.M. Derry. 2020. Allometric scaling of eDNA production in stream-dwelling brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) inferred from population size structure. Environmental DNA 3: 553-560

13. Yates, M.C., D. Glaser, J.R. Post, M.E. Cristescu, D.J. Fraser, and A.M. Derry. 2020. The relationship between eDNA particle concentration and organism abundance in nature is strengthened by allometric scaling. Molecular Ecology 30: 3068-3082

12. Yates, M.C., E. Bowles, and D.J. Fraser. 2019. Small population size and low genomic diversity have no effects on fitness in experimental translocations of a wild fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286 (1916), doi:10.1098/rspb.2019.1989


11. Wells, Z.R.R.*, T.A. Bernos*, M.C. Yates, and D.J. Fraser. 2019. Genetic rescue insights from population- and family-level hybridization effects in brook trout. Conservation Genetics 20: 851-863

*Both authors contributed equally


10. Yates, M.C., D.J. Fraser, and A.M. Derry. 2019. Meta-analysis supports further refinement of eDNA for monitoring aquatic species-specific abundance in nature. Environmental DNA 1: 5-13


9. Guernon, S.*, M.C. Yates*, D.J. Fraser, and A.M. Derry. 2019. The co-evolution of adult body mass and excretion rate between genetically size-divergent brook trout populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76: 438-446

*Both authors contributed equally


8. Fraser, D. J., L. Walker, M. C. Yates, K. Marin, J. L. A. Wood, T. A. Bernos, C. Zastavniouk. 2018. Population correlates of rapid captive-induced maladaptation in a wild fish. Evolutionary applications 12: 1305-1317


7. Negrin-Dastis J., C. Charette, M.C. Yates, D.J. Fraser, A.M. Derry. 2018. A fish-mediated trophic cascade on freshwater calanoid copepod abundance is concealed by food web fatty acid availability, functional traits and population sex ratio. Journal of Plankton Biology 40: 197-208


6. Bernos T., M.C. Yates, D.J. Fraser. 2017. Fine scale differences in genetic and census population size ratios between two stream fishes. Conservation Genetics 19: 265-274


5. Yates, M.C., T. A. Bernos, D. J. Fraser. 2017. A critical assessment of estimating census population size from genetic population size (and vice versa) in three fishes. Evolutionary Applications 10: 935-945


4. Wood, J.L.A., M.C. Yates, D.J. Fraser. 2016. Are heritability and selection related to population size in nature? Meta-analysis and conservation implications. Evolutionary Applications 9: 640-657


3. Yates, M.C., P.V. Debes, D.J. Fraser, and J.A. Hutchings. 2015. The influence of hybridization with domesticated conspecifics on alternative reproductive phenotypes in male Atlantic salmon in multiple temperature regimes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72: 1138-1145


2. Debes, P.V., Fraser, D.J., Yates, M.C., and J.A. Hutchings. 2014. The between-population genetic architecture of growth, maturation, and plasticity in Atlantic salmon. Genetics 196: 1277-1291   


1. Yates, M.C., and D.J. Fraser. 2014. Does source population size affect performance in new environments? Evolutionary Applications 7: 871 – 882


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